Since then....

I thought I'd add a post here to catch up on what's happened since I last posted. After travelling around visiting friends across the country, I settled in a wonderful little town just north of San Francisco in Marin County. The town is Fairfax, and I've never seen anything like this place. The community is very loving and supportive of each other, and very close-knit. Though it's small (just 7500 people) and is a quiet little town set in the middle of some of the most majestic and beautiful land in the country, it's still got an urban feel and mentality in some ways. It's barely 30 minutes from San Francisco. I was able to buy a tiny little garden/gift store called The Potting Shed and although it doesn't make much money, I am finally feeling like I've found a new home and something rewarding to do. There is still some buried grief...I can barely think about New Orleans without feeling choked up and very sad. But I love my new home and my new work.
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